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Playwright 2.0
AI-powered actions and assertions that extend beyond Playwright's limits, while being significantly faster to write
Stably Test
Find all tasks that were created more than 30 days ago and have a status of either "blocked" or "on-hold".
Delete these tasks one by one until the list is empty, verify the page displays an image that shows relaxation.
Playwright Test
// Complex regex to match task dates and statuses const dateRegex = /(?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) s+d{1,2}(?:st|nd|rd|th)? s+(?:202[0-4])/i; const statusRegex = /^ (?=.*(?:blocked|on-hold)) (?!.*(?:in-progress|done)) .*$/i; while (true) { // Find all task elements using complex compound selector const tasks = await page.$$( 'div[data-testid^="task-item-"]:visible' + ':has(> div[class*="task-content"])' ); if (tasks.length === 0) break; for (const task of tasks) { const dateText = await task.$eval( 'div[class*="metadata"]' + ' >> span:has-text("Created")' + ' >> span.date-field:not(:empty)', el => el.textContent ); const statusText = await task.$eval( 'div[class*="status"]' + ' >> span.status-badge:not(.hidden)' + ':has-text(/blocked|on-hold/i)', el => el.textContent ); const taskDate = new Date( dateText.match(dateRegex)[0] ); // Check if task is older than 30 days and matches status const isOldTask = Date.now() - taskDate.getTime() > 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; if (isOldTask && statusRegex.test(statusText.trim())) { // Open task menu and click delete using role and aria attributes await task.click( 'button[aria-label="Task actions"]:visible' + ' >> .task-menu-trigger' ); await page.click( 'role=menuitem[name="Delete task"]' + ' >> [data-testid="delete-task-btn"]' ); // Handle confirmation dialog await page.click( 'button:has-text("Confirm Delete")' ); await page.waitForResponse(response => response.url().includes('/api/tasks/delete') ); // Break after deleting one item to let the list refresh break; } } }
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Product | Sales | Rating |
Quantum Laptop | 1234 | 4.8 |
AI Assistant | 5678 | 4.9 |
Holo Projector | 3456 | 4.7 |
Neural Implant | 7890 | 4.6 |
Teleporter Pod | 2345 | 4.5 |

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